Our integrated services

RPP is your gateway to an integrated, multinational service offering.

Our services

Our integrated services

Advocacy and public affairs are the core expertise and specialty of RPP. Our approach to public affairs is based on transforming an organisation’s objective into a policy objective while displaying its added value for society.

Government affairs is about recognising that your interests are not necessarily the interest of policymakers and stakeholders. RPP has significant expertise in training clients how to align with important stakeholders. Ensuring consistent messaging across marketing, communications and government affairs is essential to driving business interests through policy.

With over two decades worth of “do’s and don’ts” and best practices, RPP can augment existing government affairs teams and bring a fresh perspective or help get a government affairs practice off the ground.

RPP always maintains the goal of creating win-win situations for clients, policymakers and stakeholders. This ethos of incorporating key stakeholder interests into client projects, has helped create our own specific services of facilitating stakeholder engagement.

By understanding and recognising the diverse interests of influential stakeholder groups, we have helped field successful campaigns that have delivered results for clients and created long-lasting networks.  

RPP can deliver services in creating and managing multi-stakeholder alliances in all its countries of operation.

RPP has experience in establishing Associations and Non-Profits from the conceptual to the legal formation and management. RPP has supported various groups, in very different policy areas, to establish themselves as legal associations (ASBL, AISBL, etc.).

Our services range from developing the concept, mission statement and value proposal of an association, to drafting statutes and working on the legal incorporation of the association. RPP also ensures the day-to-day management of associations.

Using our expertise in visual communication, RPP can provide clients with everything that is needed for a successful digital media campaign. 

Services in this area are ranging from digital content production over well-orchestrated social media campaigning to the design of websites, microsites and other campaigning materials.

We believe that a visual communication concept makes our clients more successful. It is creative, puts your message in a nutshell and builds confidence in the product.

In close coordination with our clients, we discuss the strategy, content and objectives of each project. Before we start, we analyze the timing, way and direction of the project.

All communication takes place within a different context, has other purposes, other uses and other partners of communication. We aim to develop an individual visual concept, adapted to your needs. 

RPP is always looking out for the relevance of organisation an event within your strategy. For RPP, events are a means of recapping on previous successes and acting as a springboard for the next ones. RPP works with policymakers, stakeholders and clients to ensure events serve a wider policy purpose.

How does this legislation and policy impact you if at all? What should your position be and how should you plan accordingly? RPP can help answer these questions. A history of translating client needs to policy also allows us to reverse engineer policy and determine how it impacts your business.  

Governance and compliance work together. They are essential to organizations wishing to fulfill their objectives while acting with integrity and managing the many and varied uncertainties they are confronted with.  Good governance processes enable the officers of organizations to legally and reliably steer it towards those objectives;  effective compliance allows them to comply with the laws and regulations, as well as voluntary boundaries to which it subscribes. We at RPP see these issues as essential complements to risk management. 

RPP Group

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