About RPP

Integration of transnational approaches to European and national policies

Europe is as much a marketplace of ideas as a common market. We strive to understand and reflect both the bottom-up and top-down processes of European and national policy making.

It is no longer enough to understand what Europe does for its Member States, but also what Europe´s citizens and representative governments want from Europe. Our offices in Europe´s major capitals ensure we meet our commitment to a robust approach to all political issues.  

Our method

Win-win partnerships

RPP always seeks to create a win-win situation for clients, policymakers and stakeholders. This ethos of incorporating key stakeholder interests into client projects has helped create our own specific services of facilitating stakeholder engagement.

By understanding and recognising the diverse interests of influential stakeholder groups, we have helped field successful campaigns that have delivered positive results for clients and created long-lasting networks. 


In line with our objective to create societal value with our projects, we always look into jointly building positions and strategies with our clients and involved stakeholders.

Our history

In 2002, RPP (founded as Rohde Public Policy) was created by Sebastian Rohde in Brussels. RPP was founded to deliver a new form of service to clients – a notion that has carried on through RPP’s work. Since then, RPP has opened new offices in Berlin, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Canberra and Madrid to respond to client needs to take our strategic programmes to new markets. RPP´s work in these markets was initially focused on a unique expertise in healthcare policy. 

In 2016, RPP formally expanded its public affairs offering, taking our expertise in policy creation and development gained from working in the healthcare field for 14 years, and applying it to other areas where new technologies and services are transforming markets.  

RPP’s future holds further expansion into other major markets and into new policy areas. We continue to develop, expand, reinvent and serve impact advocacy.  

RPP Group

Our services

Advocacy and public affairs are the core expertise and specialty of RPP. Our approach to public affairs is based on transforming an organisation’s objective into a policy objective while displaying its added value for society.

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