RPP Group

Public affairs and advocacy driving added societal value

Science-based policy making

Good products and good policy will always stand up to the highest scrutiny. We always seek the highest level of expertise in Europe to inform our strategies and support the creation of evidence-based policy.  

Deeply rooted in the healthcare field, we always make sure that our projects are based on solid scientific evidence and consensus in the medical community, which can translate into policy.

Innovation at the heart of what we do

Within the healthcare sector, innovation plays a role of utmost importance to constantly meet societal needs.

The integration of innovation in society drives policy change, and is driven by it. We believe that informing policymakers about new innovations can ensure that policy keeps pace with innovation and creates a suitable framework to improve societal outcomes in line with scientific evidence.

Ethics & Transparency

We are committed to meeting the highest standards of transparency in our work with clients, policymakers and stakeholders and transparency is at the heart of our processes and engagement strategies at all political levels. 

Our Philosophy

Public affairs and advocacy for societal added value

RPP’s key field of expertise and activity is healthcare. As such, we take seriously our role in the political and societal landscape we work in and we believe in public affairs as a means to enhance the societies we live in, and not as a commercial end in itself. Our projects always aim at improving the lives of those concerned – patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare systems, etc. – and at bringing an added value to society.  

Many products have a societal value that extends beyond their immediate market value to the customer. Policy makers are responsible for ensuring that the overall societal needs of society are met and put in place policy incentives or disincentives to ensure they are.  

RPP Group specializes in demonstrating the societal value of your products and ideas to one of the most economically powerful and influential consumer groups in the world: governments. 


Work at RPP

Since RPP’s creation, we have been committed to grow with experienced public affairs professionals or young talented individuals that would bring new ideas and additional creativity to our team.  
